Gambling - Deadline for Gaming Machine Consultation Approaches

08 Jan

Further to our article of 30th November regarding the launch of a consultation by the Gambling Commission regarding the citing of gaming machines, we wish to remind readers that the closing date for representations is 22nd February 2016.

Initially trailed as a ‘Bingo’ consultation arising from the application by Greene King for a Bingo Operator’s licence, the present consultation has potentially far reaching consequences across a number of other gaming areas.   A link to the consultation document can be found here.

The consultation introduces a new concepts such as the “sum of gambling activity” which appears to supersede previous concepts of primary gambling activity (the condition regarding which is proposed to be deleted from the LCCP).  One effect of this new term would be the closure of ‘electric casinos’ which currently generated large amounts of revenue and are permitted under the aforementioned concept of ‘primary gambling activity’, if imposed.  It could also restrict Bingo clubs from utilising gaming machines unless Bingo is also available at the same time.

New additions to the responsibility code would require that the function along with the internal and external presentation of betting shops, bingo and casinos informs customers that the premises is licensed for the relevant gaming facilities.

The consultation goes on to state at para 3.4, “Externally this would principally be through the manner in which it is promoted for example by its external design, styling and signage”.  Could this lead to the Commission prescribing how these premises will be designed internally and externally?  An unspecified  transitional period is proposed to allow existing businesses to conform.  The new requirements may lead to structural works at an unknown number of businesses, unfortunately the detail is absent from the consultation itself.

Local Authorities will be expected to enforce any new changes within their own areas in line with advice published by the Commission.

Although a relatively brief consultation (19 pages) the impact and unforeseen consequences could be far reaching across the industry and is a consultation which everyone concerned should read and, if appropriate, make representations regarding.  This appear to go far beyond Greene King.

If you like to discuss how the issues in this consultation could impact your business, please contact either Tim Shield or Chris Grunert.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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